We recently reported that in a lawsuit by rescuers against the Los Angeles County Department of Animal Care & Control, the Court of Appeal unanimously ruled that California shelters cannot kill animals rescue groups are willing to save. Specifically, the court ruled that “the County lacks discretion to withhold and euthanize a dog based upon its determination that the animal has a behavioral problem or is not adoptable or treatable.”
The County of Los Angeles petitioned the California Court of Appeal to reverse that ruling. The California Animal Welfare Association — a lobbying organization of kill shelters and their allies — supported that effort by likewise asking the Court of Appeal to overturn the ruling.
If they had gotten their way, more dogs like Bowie would have died.
But ethics, compassion, kindness, and sensible law prevailed: the Court of Appeal unanimously (again!) ruled against them, preserving the victory for dogs and their rescuers.
The decision will become final on October 18, and all California shelters must comply.
Rescuers: know your rights by clicking here.